The EU-Moldova Cooperation Council highlighted on 26 June the very positive dynamics in their relations since the last meeting of the Cooperation Council a year ago, and welcomed progress achieved by Moldovan authorities in upholding democratic principles, stabilisation of the democratic institutions and the rule of law, as well as in establishing a functioning market economy.
The EU was represented by Villy Søvndal, minister of foreign affairs of Denmark and Head of the European Union Delegation and Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, while the Prime Minister Vladimir Filat led the Moldovan delegation.
The Council praised the opportunities provided by the Eastern Partnership, and welcomed the commitment of Moldova to the goals of political association and economic integration with the EU. EU ministers re-affirmed the Union's readiness to support the Chisinau authorities in pursuing reforms and pledged to “deepen and broaden” relations between Moldova and the EU.
The Cooperation Council welcome the good progress made in the Association Agreement negotiations, and negotiations on establishing a deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA) between the EU and Moldova. DCFTA should function as a substitute for membership, providing deeper economic integration compared to the other partners, but no immediate political ties.
The EU and Moldova have signed Agreements on Common Aviation Area and on the protection of Geographical Indications, and pre-signed the Agreement amending the Visa Facilitation Agreement.
Action Plan on Visa liberalisation should proceed to the first phase of implementation following a positive review by the Council.